Overview of parameters


This page gives overview of ACS’s parameters.

[Style] -> [Melody] -> [Effect/Abbelimenti]
[Effect/Abbelimenti] options are displayed when you click on the [Effect] or the [Abbelimenti] combo box in the [Effect/Abbelimenti] dialog box. You will see the selected effect and Abbelimenti in the  [Effect/Abbelimenti] window.
The following values can be selected as effect.
None Turns Effect off.
No effect is used for melody.
Choking (Large) Creates an effect of weak choking.
Choking (Middle) Creates an effect of medium-strength choking.
Scat Creates a sound like a scat.
Shake Makes a sound tremble like the song of Okinawa.
Vibrato Makes a sound tremble so that sound may leave a reverberation.
Siren Effect Makes a sound tremble like a siren.
Long Pipe Effect Creates a sound like water flowing in a long pipe. 
Formant Makes a sound turn into a high sound trembling at a very short interval.
Shake Head Head part of each melody phrase will shake with this effect.
Yodel Creates a sound like a Yodel voice.
tremolo divides notes sixteenth if tempo is slower than 80, 32th if tempo is faster than 80.