[Melody Structure] Dialog Box

  [Melody Structure] dialog box is used for setting range, sound, rhythm and more of the selected music style.  
Usage of [Melody Structure] Dialog Box
[Melody Structure] dialog box is displayed when you click on the [Melody Structure] button in the [Structure] group. Followings are the buttons you will use in this dialog box.

(1) [Instrument] group Specifies the instrument of the selected music style.
(2) [Algorithm] group Specifies the algorithm of the selected music style.
(3) [Note Range] group

Specifies the melody range of the selected music style.

(4) [Sound] group Specifies the rate of dissonance and tension of the selected music style. 
(5) [Voicing] group Specifies the method of voicing .
(6) [Effect/Abbelimenti] group Specifies the effect and the abbelimenti for the melody.
(7) [Rhythm] group Specifies the rhythm for the melody.
(8) [Rest Note Rate] group

Specifies the rate of rest note in the melody.

(9) [OK] button Closes [Melody Structure] dialog box.