Load Style Files


If you click [Load Param] button, [Open File] dialog box will be displayed. [Open File] dialog box is used for specifying the style file that you would like to load.

Usage of [Open File] Dialog Box
[Open File] dialog box is displayed when you click on the [Load Param] button in the [Style Operation] dialog box. Followings are the buttons you will use in this dialog box.

(1) [In Directory] combo box Selects a directory in which the file that you would like to load is stored.
(2) [Look In] list box Selects the style file that you would like to load.
(3) [File Name] textbox

Allows you to enter the file name of the style file that you would like to load.

[File Type] listbox Either dat file or text file can be selected.
(4) [Open] button

Loads the selected style file.

(5) [Cancel] button Cancels the file specification.