Overview of parameters


This page gives overview of ACS’s parameters.

Drum (Sub) Rhythm
[Style] -> [Rhythm] ->[Drum (Sub)] -> [Rhythm pattern]
Parameters for composition can be selected as the same way for melody. These parameters will affect not only  rhythm pattern  but also pitches of sub drum.
The following values can be selected.
Same as Melody Algo. Creates a sub-drum pattern by the same algorithm as melody. 
Bonodori Creates a sub-drum pattern in a style of Japanese Bon festival dance.
Drum (Sub) Note Range
[Style] -> [Rhythm] ->[Drum (Sub)] -> [Rhythm pattern]
The following values can be selected as note range.
Normal Sets obbligato or harmony, etc. to the same range as the principal melody.
Octave Lower Sets obbligato or harmony, etc. to the range that is 1 octave lower than the principal melody.
Two Octave Lower Sets obbligato or harmony, etc. to the range that is 2 octaves lower than the principal melody.
Octave Upper Sets obbligato or harmony, etc. to the range that is 1 octave higher than the principal melody.