Overview of parameters


This page gives overview of ACS’s parameters.

Bass pattern
[Style] -> [Rhythm] ->[Bass] -> [Bass pattern]
The following values can be selected as bass pattern.
mono tone Plays the same interval as bass.
general Plays the root by long tone.
5th combination Plays the root and the 5th by long tone.
Classical This is a bass pattern of classical style.
Short This is a bass pattern that uses 16th note mainly.
Blues This is a bass pattern used in blues and three-chord rock.
Melodic Creates a melodious bass pattern automatically.
Walking Bass This is a bass pattern used in jazz and blues.
Fusion Fusion  pattern is used for bass pattern.
Hip hop Hip hop  pattern is used for bass pattern.
Pops Pops  pattern is used for bass pattern.
Tango Tango  pattern is used for bass pattern.
Slow Slow  pattern is used for bass pattern.
Rockabilly Rockabilly  pattern is used for bass pattern.
Bossanova Bossanova  pattern is used for bass pattern.
Latin Latin  pattern is used for bass pattern.
Trance Trance  pattern is used for bass pattern.
Drum & Bass Drum & Bass  pattern is used for bass pattern.
Long Riff Long Riff  pattern is used for bass pattern.
Custom Allows you to specify the bass pattern by yourself. Opens [Bass Pattern Settings] dialog box. 
2nd mono tone Second mono tone note is used for bass pattern.
Note Range
[Style] -> [Rhythm] ->[Bass] -> [Bass pattern]
[Note Range] options are displayed when you click on the button of [Note Range] combo box in the [Harmony Pattern] dialog box , [Sub Melody Pattern] dialog box[Bass Pattern] dialog box , and [Sub Drum Pattern] dialog box. You can set the range that will be used in obbligato, harmony, bass and sub drum.
The following values can be selected as note range.
Normal Sets obbligato or harmony, etc. to the same range as the principal melody.
Octave Lower Sets obbligato or harmony, etc. to the range that is 1 octave lower than the principal melody.
Two Octave Lower Sets obbligato or harmony, etc. to the range that is 2 octaves lower than the principal melody.
Octave Upper Sets obbligato or harmony, etc. to the range that is 1 octave higher than the principal melody.