[Chord Input] Dialog Box

  [Chord Input] dialog box is used for editing a musical piece.  
Usage of [Chord Input] Dialog Box
[Chord Input] dialog box is displayed when you click on the [Open] button in the [Open File] dialog box. Followings are the buttons you will use in this dialog box.

(1) [Editing] slider

Specifies the block you would like to edit. A chord is assigned for every block in ACS.

(2) [Chord Progression] table

The number in the first line indicates the bar number. The arrow (14) indicates the 6th bar.
The number in the second line indicates the beat number. The arrow (15) indicates the 3rd beat in the 6th bar. 
The number in the third line indicates the chord name. The arrow (16) indicates that the chord Am7 is used in the 3rd beat in the 7th bar.

(3) [PLAY] button

Plays music within the specified area.

(4) [DEL] button

Deletes the selected area in the chord progression. You can select the area by dragging the mouse. 

(5) [INS] button

Inserts the selected blank. You can select the area by dragging the mouse.

(6) [EDIT] button

Opens [Chord Edit] dialog box.

(7) [ALL] button

Selects all of the chord progression.

(8) [Melody] button

Opens [Edit Melody] dialog box.

(9) [Chord] button

Opens [Edit Chord] dialog box after you have specified the editing area by dragging the mouse.

(10) [Tone] button

Opens [Tone Definition] dialog box.

(11) [Adjust] button

[Adjustment] dialog box.

(12) [Wizard] button

Opens [Style Wizard] dialog box.

(13) [OK] button

Closes [Chord Input] dialog box.